Strategic Plan 2020-2025
"Going Together"
Together with God - Together with the Church - Together with People
The Strategic Plan "Going Together" is based on Christ's Great Commission calling His followers to "go and make disciples of all nations" and analyze the reality of the Church, found from several General Conference and Euro-Asia Division (ESD) studies. This information has shaped the areas of ministry proposed in the Strategic Plan for the successful fulfillment of the Church's mission.

The purpose of this document is to unite all members of the Church in proclaiming the Three Angels' Messages, inspiring everyone to use the gifts received from God. This document should be seen as a tool for pastors and congregations, missions, conferences, unions, and church institutions to help the Church fulfill the mission of Jesus Christ and respond more effectively to the challenges it faces.
Each of us has an important role to play in carrying out this plan. Please prayerfully review the key goals, objectives, and intentions outlined in this Strategic Plan. Analyze the key indicators. Which ones are most relevant to you and your ministry? What can you personally do to contribute to the proposed goals and objectives?

We believe that our combined efforts and the power of the Holy Spirit will bring blessed results in the development of God's work in our territory in the years to come.
"The Lord desires that in all her works today, the Church should remain as orderly and orderly as she was in ancient times. He expects us to be thorough and orderly in doing His work so that He may affirm it with the seal of His approval. The Christian must unite with the Christian, the Church with the Church, man, must cooperate with divine power, all abilities must be submitted to the Holy Spirit, and all must together proclaim to the world the good news of the grace of God" (E. White, Acts of the Apostles, p. 96).

1. To more effectively fulfill God's commission mission by developing different types of ministry and using effective and timely methods, in the ESD 2020-2025 strategy, we prioritize the following ministry areas to achieve specific goals:
  • to increase the number of people purchased for the Lord to move toward the growth of the Church;
  • to rejuvenate the Church;
  • unite the Church in a cooperative social and evangelistic ministry, including online evangelism;
  • Strengthen the pastoral team qualitatively and quantitatively;
  • entrust dedicated, talented young ministers with the administrative ministry of organizations.
2. This strategy is based on the purpose of human service expressed in the mission of Jesus Christ, "For the Son of Man came to seek and save that which was lost." Matthew 18:11

3. To achieve results, it is necessary to pool church resources in ministry, regularly review the implementation of this strategy, and strengthen the accountability of leaders at all levels of the church organization. The Administrative Committee of the EAD shall annually evaluate and analyze the implementation of the strategy based on the reports of the unions and report to the ESD Annual and Spring Meetings.

4. The strategic plan assumes that the congregation is at the center of church life. Each congregation and organization must identify and set specific, measurable goals based on KPIs for each of the main strategic areas.
STRATEGIC PLAN 2020 - 2025
Mission Statement of the SDA Church
Our Mission.

To prepare disciples of Jesus Christ who by their lives bear witness to His love and preach the eternal gospel of the Three Angels' Messages message to all nations in preparation for His soon return (Matt. 28:18-20; Acts 1:8; Rev. 14:6-12).
Our methods. Guided by the Bible and the Holy Spirit, Seventh-day Adventists carry out this mission as they seek to be like Christ in their life, fellowship, instruction, teaching, healing, and ministry.
Our vision. In keeping with the revelations of the Bible, Seventh-day Adventists see the restoration of all of God's creation in perfect harmony with His perfect will and justice as the culmination of His design.

A Vision of the Ideal of the Church

A spiritually growing church filled with many young people actively engaged in evangelistic and social ministries, attracting new people, and supporting members through inspiring worship services.

Strategic Directions:

  • Ministry of children, adolescents, and young adults;
  • Ministry of the church members;
  • Serving new people;
  • Pastoral ministry;
  • Administrative ministry.

Strategic objectives:

  1. Create an atmosphere for spiritual growth;
  2. Fill the Church with young people;
  3. Involve members in evangelistic and social ministries;
  4. Conduct inspirational worship services.

Strategic intentions:

For the successful implementation of the strategic plan, key performance indicators are proposed for each of the areas, describing the various methods of the Church's ministry in more detail. These indicators are tools for setting specific, measurable goals and analyzing and evaluating the results achieved in meeting key intentions and strategic objectives.

The Lord encourages each of us to become actively involved in the mission of Jesus Christ, to unite with him and with one another proclaim the Three Angels' Messages to the world. He promises to walk with us, to endow us with the power of the Holy Spirit, and to bless us in the fulfillment of this great mission.

"We are called to be co-workers with God. So let us rise and shine! ...Those who know the truth as it is in Jesus are obliged to unite, submitting to the same goal. All differences must be set aside. The members of the Church must work together under the leadership of the Great High Priest." (EGW)
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