In the late 19th century, the pioneers of the Adventist movement appeared in this area. They believed that human life, the destinies of nations, and the history of civilizations were only in God's hands! And that is what we believe!
Hundreds and thousands of cities, small and large, original and typical, cozy and not so cozy. Somewhere life is booming, and somewhere it seems to have stopped. People are everywhere. They work, they study, they have families, they give birth to children. They are like nomads, always searching for a better place, a better life, a better future. Many of them pray - go to temples, mosques, and synagogues.
"But the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on earth."
People live for their own interests, accepting only what is good for them. Disillusioned with religion, they return to the roots of pagan superstition. The rich and the poor, the popular and the lonely, those who make the laws of men and those who defy the laws of God, are far removed from God the Creator.
But the proverb says for good reason: "They will live without father and mother. But they will not live without God". It seems to people that they live because they care about themselves. They do not know that, in reality, they live through the love and mercy of God!

Zaoksky Adventist University hosted 1,350 delegates of the Youth Movement Congress from across the Euro-Asia Division.

In the summer of 2017, Zaoksky Adventist University hosted 1,350 delegates of the Youth Movement Congress from across the Euro-Asia Division. "Pass the baton" is not only the slogan of this grand forum but also the meaning of what really happens in the Adventist Movement. We are sincerely grateful to those who bravely stood up for the faith during the years of atheism, and we keep a good memory of them. We are also thankful to those mentors who support, trust the young people, and motivate them by example.

Similar forums were held in all the unions. The baton is both in the generational continuity and in how young Adventists learn from one another's inspiring experiences. They share ideas and then become mentors themselves to children and teens.

For the first time in the Euro-Asia Division, the international missionary project "One Year in Ministry" was launched. It is carried out in two directions - the Mission of Jeremiah and the Mission of Abraham.
THE MISSION OF ABRAHAM encourages interrupting the usual course of life for one year and leaving for a new place, another town, or even another country to serve.
The fulfillment of THE MISSION OF JEREMIAH means to remain in your town or village and to take an active part in evangelistic initiatives of your community.
December 2018 marked the 30th anniversary of one of the first Protestant educational institutions accredited in the former Soviet Union. Throughout these years, the motto of Zaoksky Adventist University has been the motivating words - "Learn. Serve. Inspire. Today there are three training centers in the Euro-Asia Division - in Russia, Ukraine, and Kyrgyzstan. The Ukrainian Institute for the Humanities opens its doors to hundreds of applicants each year. Numerous evangelistic, missionary, and, of course, educational projects are organized on their basis. Multifunctional centers in Kyrgyzstan are a unique representation of Christianity in a Muslim country.
School in Chisinau, Moldova
In the spring of 2018, the Council of the Union of Churches of Moldova decided to give the spacious building of the Union's office to the Education Department and open a school in it. And already in September of the same year, 80 students from grades 1 to 8 sat at their desks. Today there are twice as many of them.
School in Tokmok, Kyrgyzstan
Christian Education and the associated opening of new schools is a grand and strategically important project of the Euro-Asia Division. Local congregations and sponsors, whose names we do not always know, are actively involved in its implementation.
School in Afganistan
Children from Muslim families are very eager to attend the Adventist School. The work of the teachers and volunteers removes the walls of religious prejudice and creates an atmosphere of peace and harmony.

This dream has been symbolized by the heavenly principles we embody in our ministries and lives. This includes when we open or continue to develop Adventist health centers. Healthy lifestyles for members of congregations are becoming a hallmark of the Church. The medical-missionary ministry in the EURO-ASIA DIVISION and the objective difficulties are simultaneously experiencing an extraordinary rise.

In 2018 the Adventist Church in Russia received a presidential grant to hold numerous health exhibitions, educational programs on city streets, in offices, and in educational institutions.
Health exhibitions
A series of exhibitions and congresses held as part of the Russian Health Care Year
Health exhibitions
A series of exhibitions and congresses held as part of the Russian Health Care Year.
"Here's one dream came true, I'm already flying in the balloon. And now the sky is a reality for them. A dream that can come true.

Of course, it is a good thing to meet people's needs. But it is possible to go further - to give a dream. On the streets of our cities, we rarely meet disabled people in wheelchairs, but one day someone came to these people with the intention to give them neither more nor less, but the sky!

"Despite all the pain, evil, and injustice that exists in this world, there is room for sensitivity, kindness, and positivity." Roman Sedov, the head of the "Restoration" Charitable Foundation, was the one who organized the "The sky belongs to everyone" campaign.
Thanks to the support of Adventist World Radio, the small country of Moldova is 80 percent reached with the Adventist message. Radio programs in indigenous languages are created and broadcasted in Central Asian countries. Internet resources are actively used for volunteerism and social projects.

In Russia, the Hope Channel TV has been broadcasting 24 hours a day for over 6 years. And in Ukraine, the Hope Channel TV has become number 1 at the top of the country's religious channels.

"But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be my witnesses... even to the ends of the earth." Acts 1:8

Almost at the edge of the earth in a distant Yakut ulus, Evdokiya was taught by her mother from childhood to put on her holiday clothes on Saturdays and leave the nomad camp to pray. She didn't know who had taught her mother to do so, but she wanted to find a church that worships the Creator on the Sabbath. And she found it. Yevdokiya Tataeva and her husband, Alexei Tataev, returned to their ulus as baptized Seventh-day Adventists. "I tell him - that's it, dear husband. That's it. We won't feed the fire anymore; it's idolatry. We all will become people of faith. So we began to pray. And we are to save our people, through prayer, through God.
Church buildings become centers of influence. Leisure centers for children and teenagers are opening. Charity programs are held in many cities.

ADRA also cooperates with institutions such as a rehabilitation center and a nursing home, implementing agricultural projects in these institutions, the purpose of which is to improve the nutrition of patients.
Elderly house, Russia
Center, Moldova
The Euro-Asia Division territory is over 40,000 kilometers of coastline. Probably the very edge of the earth that Scripture tells us about. Driven by faith and hope, we do not stop. Step by step, we go forward. We want to live and serve to hasten the long-awaited appearance of the glory of God, the coming of the Lord, and to turn the minds and hearts of people to God the Creator.
May God help us!
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